Thursday, November 20, 2008


We've had a fun week here at Harbor Ridge on Mount Desert Island. Polly arrived on Sunday and Neva and I on Monday. Andree and Carol joined us on Tues. and Jon and Jeremy on Tues night. We also had avisit from our old friend Murph who lives here on the island in Bass Harbor. We've hiked quite a few mountains and this morning we went up to see the sunrise on Cadillac Mt. It was a mere 15 degrees with a stiff north wind. BRRRRRRRhhhhhhh!!!!! Then we had breakfast it a really great spot in Bar Harbor. The chocolate shop was one of the highlights of the morning along with some Xmas shopping. Ending the adventure with a trip to Bass Harbor Light. We're heading out tomorrow-have to go back to work. I will put some photos up for all to see. Thanks for checking out my new blog.